Wednesday 25 May 2011

Samsung Galaxy SII – A Disappointment Due to No NFC Technology


We all are aware of the fast and quick advancements taking place in the mobile phone market. Everyday there is some new technology in the market due to which the previous day's technology becomes the twenty-four hours old story. The top handsets are upgraded in features and technology as per the recent needs and demands of the mobile phone users.

To this collection of hi-tech handsets, one cannot ignore the latest creation by Samsung called as Samsung Galaxy SII. Enriched with Super AMOLED technology, it gives a pleasure view on a 4.3 inch screen with a resolution of 1280 X 800 pixels.
Powered by Android 2.3 and a dual-core 1.2GHz CPU under the hood, it has a 8 MP camera at the rear with an LED flash and 2 MP camera in the front facilitating video calling at its best. Samsung Galaxy SII has an intelligent installation of interesting software which puts the phone in perfect sync with the PC over Wi-Fi for sharing music, photos and videos. Also the phone now supports on-device encryption, plus Cisco’s AnyConnect VPN and WebEx technologies for business related tasks.
Samsung Galaxy SII is here to give a next generation experience!!

But still looks like there is going to be a disappointment amongst the phone users.

Near-Field Communication or NFC as it is said will not be found in Samsung Galaxy SII. NFC is a secured wireless transmission system which works over short distances of around four centimeters similar to a bluetooth. One of the very distinctive technological progression where life becomes risk free as with NFC you don't have to carry your wallets or purses. Just feed in your debit/credit card details in your phone and make your purchases by swiping your phone. In the first line of production there will be no installation of NFC which might be done later on in latter line of production.

Though many people are not aware of it and don't use it that often but still it is going to be seen as a lapse in Samsung Galaxy SII.


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